This morning our Four became Six as we were joined by Garreth and Vikki who cycled down from Remagen (famous from the film, The Bridge at Remagen) and met us a few miles past Bonn. We cycled back up the Rhein together, and stopped for a hearty lunch of Bratkartoffel and Spiegelei (fried potatoes and fried eggs) and a delicious cold Kölsch beer.
Then a great ride as the six said good bye and 4 pedalled on. Crossing the Rhine by ferry at the beautiful town of Boppard. Several diversions where of no concern the riding was smooth, long and straight. Arriving at the picturesque Oberwesel and joined the locals by the side of the Rhine for Bratwurst, Bier, Fries and a Tombola!
Nothing was won in the Tombola, but all four left with a divine love of the beauty of the Rhine, it's people and culture.